Below are the scripts:
I’m very much looking forward to attending the opening ceremony of the 7th CIIE and The GALA event. Each year we’ve participated, we’ve left the event with greater confidence in the investments we continue to make to strengthen Melaleuca’s future in China. CIIE and the Hongqiao Forum provides a unique opportunity that brings together political, business and academic leaders and creates an environment that results in greater insights into global issues and trends, technological innovation, and cutting-edge science and products. Most important, the relationships and the strategic partnerships we’ve established during this event have proven to be invaluable.
CIIE has played a critical role in our corporate strategy and development. I’m confident you will have the same experience. I look forward to seeing you there!
虹橋國際經濟論壇(簡稱虹橋論壇)與中國國際進口博覽會同期舉辦,第七屆虹橋論壇以“堅持高水平開放 共促普惠包容的經濟全球化”為主題,舉辦主論壇(中國國際進口博覽會暨虹橋國際經濟論壇開幕式)和“1+4”板塊分論壇,即《世界開放報告2024》發布暨國際研討會(發布最新世界開放指數)和“開放發展”“開放合作”“開放創新”“開放共享”四個板塊下19場分論壇。同時,將舉辦外資企業圓桌會等閉門會及“投資中國”相關推介活動。