以全新智慧煥膚亮白科技呵護您的肌膚——海洋凝亮煥白復合精華(Marine-DETOX Complex),即時淡化肌膚表層的黑色素沉淀,透出新生般的極致光感 !
能抑制、改善色素沉著,多重亮白保濕珍萃,完美融合于盈潤清透的雪白乳霜質地,改善膚色的同時,真正做到水感滋養, 使肌膚呈現粉透白皙的亮麗光彩。源源不絕地為肌膚補充水分,幫助肌膚抵御環境污染,使肌膚持續水潤、凈白、緊實、富有彈性,煥發活力亮采。 海之煥彩
Treat your skin every day with excellence. Light Genesis Day Perfectionist is the blissfully light and luxurious cream that drenches the skin with moisture as it lightens, brightens, and lifts, giving you a more even skin tone, with improved firmness. The advanced MarineLight Advanced Complex in the cream gives immediate illumination while a complex of brightening ingredients works to control age spots and discoloration on the skin’s surface.
Continued use gives you brighter, younger-looking skin as dark spots are prevented, and your skin is firmed, moisturized, and protected from environmental damage.